Our Services General Dentistry

Gentle and Expert Tooth Extractions

At Primecare Dental, we understand that extracting a tooth might be necessary in certain situations. Whether you need a simple extraction or a more complex procedure, we are committed to providing excellent care and comfort throughout. You can rely on us for gentle and expert tooth extraction services.

The Tooth Extraction Process

A tooth extraction involves removing the entire tooth, including the root, to address an existing or potential dental issue. This procedure is performed under local or general anaesthesia, depending on the complexity and number of teeth being extracted, and it can typically be completed in a single visit at Primecare Dental.

Despite what it might sound like, the extraction process is generally not as painful or challenging as it seems. At Primecare Dental, we strive to make the procedure as comfortable and efficient as possible, and with the natural healing capacity of your mouth and gums, you’ll recover swiftly.

Why do we need to extract teeth?

There are several reasons you might require a tooth extraction. Common reasons include:

  • When your dentist determines that a tooth is too damaged from decay or another issue to be repaired, extraction followed by replacement with an artificial tooth may be necessary.
  • To address crowding or severely misaligned teeth through orthodontic extractions.
  • Painful or impacted wisdom teeth.

Our objective is to extract the problematic tooth to support healing, avoid complications, and preserve your overall oral health. Our skilled team will assist you throughout the process and explore appropriate tooth replacement options if needed.

What to expect after getting your tooth extracted?

After your tooth extraction, your dentist will provide specific instructions based on your individual case. The care needed can vary depending on whether the extraction was straightforward or more complex, but here are some general expectations for post-op care:

  1. Since a tooth extraction is a surgical procedure, you may experience some discomfort at the site, though it is typically minimal. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain relievers are effective for managing pain and reducing inflammation. Applying an ice pack to your face can also help reduce the swelling.
  2. You will need to bite down on gauze for twenty to thirty minutes post-extraction to control bleeding. Due to the high concentration of capillaries in the mouth, this bleeding is normal and should not be a cause for concern.
  3. For the days following your extraction, stick to soft, cool foods like ice cream or soups to avoid irritation.
  4. Rinse the extraction site with saline (salt water) at least once daily during the initial healing period, which lasts about two weeks, to keep the area clean.
  5. Avoid smoking, using straws, or spitting after the procedure to prevent dislodging the blood clot and causing complications.


Visit us for efficient and comfortable tooth removal. Contact us today to schedule a consultation if you need a simple extraction or other dental services. Begin your journey towards a healthier and more radiant smile with the experts at Primecare Dental!


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